TSE Querier
There are three mini lectures today.
the Querier
The third component of the Tiny Search Engine is the Querier, which reads the index produced by the Indexer and the page files produced by the Crawler, to interactively answer written queries entered by the user.
Our Querier loads the index into memory (a data structure we developed for the Indexer) and then prompts the user for queries.
Queries are comprised of words, with optional and
For example,
computer science
computer and science
computer or science
baseball or basketball or ultimate frisbee
The first two examples are treated identically, matching only documents that have both words - not necessarily together (as in the phrase “computer science”). The third picks up documents that have either word. The fourth matches documents that mention baseball, or basketball, or both “ultimate” and the word “frisbee” (not necessarily together).
Here’s an example run, with the output truncated a bit:
$ querier/querier data/cs50-3 data/cs50-index3
KEY WORDs:> computer and science
Query: computer and science
Matches 139 documents (ranked):
score 141 doc 19: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index.html
score 135 doc 349: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-t.html
score 135 doc 348: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-a.html
score 135 doc 347: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-c.html
score 10 doc 11: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/armada/
score 4 doc 9: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/people.html
score 4 doc 7: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/teaching.html
score 3 doc 206: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/deshpande-thesis.html
score 3 doc 167: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/nanda-thesis.html
score 3 doc 18: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/index.html
KEY WORDs:> tiny search engine
Query: tiny search engine
No documents match.
Query: tse
No documents match.
KEY WORDs:> NOTE we LOWERcase the query first
Query: note we lowercase the query first
No documents match.
KEY WORDs:> spaces do not mattter
Query: spaces do not mattter
No documents match.
KEY WORDs:> non-letter characters are disallowed
Error: bad character '-' in query.
KEY WORDs:> even digits as in cs50
Error: bad character '5' in query.
KEY WORDs:> and
Query: and
Error: 'and' cannot be first
KEY WORDs:> or
Query: or
Error: 'or' cannot be first
KEY WORDs:> what about and
Query: what about and
Error: 'and' cannot be last
KEY WORDs:> friend and foe
Query: friend and foe
No documents match.
KEY WORDs:> quit
Query: quit
No documents match.
KEY WORDs:> exit
Query: exit
Matches 1 documents (ranked):
score 3 doc 3: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/visit-dartmouth.html
Let’s study the Requirements Spec for the Querier, and run some demos.
Today’s demo scripts are here: script1 and script2.
Fuzz Testing
In a recent lecture we talked about unit testing, and the difference between glass-box testing and black-box testing. Usually, these tests are based on a carefully constructed series of test cases, devised to test all code sequences and push on the “edge cases”.
However, such tests are only as good as the test writer - who must logically study the code (for glass-box testing) or the specs (for black-box testing) to think of the suitable test cases. It’s possible they will miss some important cases.
Another solution, therefore, is fuzz testing, a form of black-box testing in which you fire thousands of random inputs at the program to see how it reacts. The chances of triggering an unconsidered test case is far greater if you try a lot of cases!
Here is a fuzz-testing program for our querier. It generates a series of random queries on stdout, which it then pipes to the querier on stdin. Here’s the core of the fuzz tester:
/**************** generate_query ****************/
/* generate one random query and print to stdout.
* pull random words from the wordlist and from the dictionary.
static void
generate_query(const wordlist_t *wordlist, const wordlist_t *dictionary)
// some parameters that affect query generation
const int max_words = 6; // generate 1..max_words
const float or_probability = 0.3; // P(OR between two words)
const float and_probability = 0.2; // P(AND between two words)
const float dict_probability = 0.2; // P(draw from dict instead of wordlist)
int qwords = random() % max_words + 1; // number of words in query
for (int qw = 0; qw < qwords; qw++) {
// draw a word either dictionary or wordlist
if ((random() % 100) < (dict_probability * 100)) {
printf("%s ", dictionary->words[random() % dictionary->nwords]);
} else {
printf("%s ", wordlist->words[random() % wordlist->nwords]);
// last word?
if (qw < qwords-1) {
// which operator to print?
int op = random() % 100;
if (op < (and_probability * 100)) {
printf("AND ");
else if (op < (and_probability * 100 + or_probability * 100)) {
printf("OR ");
With the following setup,
$ cd tse
$ mkdir data/cs50-3
$ crawler/crawler http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~cs50/ data/cs50-3 3
$ indexer/indexer data/cs50-3 data/cs50-index3
And here’s the output of 10 random queries:
$ querier/fuzzquery
usage: querier/fuzzquery indexFile numQueries randomSeed
$ querier/fuzzquery data/cs50-index3 10 0
querier/fuzzquery: generating 10 queries from 5586 words
captured AND despite
pcs OR frontiers activityaware OR relay tour
unix downloading OR pre
triactine pieces colgate OR aspects OR wine-wise OR direx
uncompressed OR early taxonomy austrian AND jewelry OR manages
once forced odame localization OR marsch
suffer desires OR workflow
garth OR yang OR cardiac AND ruslan AND synthetic
And here’s what happens when we pipe it to our querier (output abbreviated a little):
$ querier/fuzzquery data/cs50-index3 10 0 | querier/querier data/cs50-3 data/cs50-index3
querier/fuzzquery: generating 10 queries from 5586 words
KEY WORDs:> Query: captured and despite
No documents match.
KEY WORDs:> Query: pcs or frontiers activityaware or relay tour
Matches 39 documents (ranked):
score 37 doc 349: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-t.html
score 37 doc 348: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-a.html
score 37 doc 347: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-c.html
score 37 doc 19: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index.html
score 2 doc 53: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/oldfield-app-pario.html
KEY WORDs:> Query: unix downloading or pre
Matches 1 documents (ranked):
score 1 doc 104: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/khanna-group.html
KEY WORDs:> Error: bad character '-' in query.
KEY WORDs:> Query: uncompressed or early taxonomy austrian and jewelry or manages
Matches 3 documents (ranked):
score 2 doc 19: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index.html
score 1 doc 81: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/STARFISH/
score 1 doc 67: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/RAPID-Transit.html
KEY WORDs:> Query: once forced odame localization or marsch
Matches 5 documents (ranked):
score 2 doc 19: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index.html
score 1 doc 316: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/anthony-sith3.html
score 1 doc 349: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-t.html
score 1 doc 348: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-a.html
score 1 doc 347: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-c.html
KEY WORDs:> Query: comparison
Matches 11 documents (ranked):
score 3 doc 349: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-t.html
score 3 doc 348: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-a.html
score 3 doc 347: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index-c.html
KEY WORDs:> Query: suffer desires or workflow
Matches 1 documents (ranked):
score 1 doc 336: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/mare-thesis.html
KEY WORDs:> Query: facilitated
Matches 2 documents (ranked):
score 1 doc 260: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/chen-fusenet.html
score 1 doc 180: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/abstracts/tan-crf-s3.html
KEY WORDs:> Query: garth or yang or cardiac and ruslan and synthetic
Matches 3 documents (ranked):
score 1 doc 19: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/index.html
score 1 doc 90: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/charisma/
score 1 doc 9: http://old-www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/people.html
We could generate a different series of random queries by changing the random seed, and we can run a lot more queries, too!
$ querier/fuzzquery data/cs50-index3 10 999 | querier/querier data/cs50-3 data/cs50-index3 > /dev/null
querier/fuzzquery: generating 10 queries from 5586 words
$ querier/fuzzquery data/cs50-index3 10000 999 | querier/querier data/cs50-3 data/cs50-index3
querier/fuzzquery: generating 10000 queries from 5586 words
The fuzz tester does not test all aspects of the querier; in particular, it will not generate syntactically incorrect inputs. Those should be tested by another program, perhaps another fuzz tester. Furthermore, it does not verify whether the querier actually produces the right answers!
For regression testing, we might save the querier output in a file, and then compare the output of a fresh test run against the saved results from earlier runs. If we had earlier believed those results to be correct, then seeing unchanged output would presumably indicate the results (and thus the new code) are still correct.
Expressions and accumulators
Thinking ahead to the querier, let’s think about how one evaluates an expression involving operators. We’ll work with an arithmetic analogy.
Arithmetic expressions
Consider the following arithmetic expression:
sum = a + b + c + d
Since addition is a left-associative operator, this means the same thing as
sum = (((a + b) + c) + d)
This means we can scan the expression from left to right, accumulating a sum as we go, effectively like this:
sum = 0
sum = sum + a
sum = sum + b
sum = sum + c
sum = sum + d
Here, the sum
acts as an accumulator.
(Indeed, many early hardware architectures include an explicit register called an ‘accumulator’.)
We often see this approach generalized in code:
int n = 5;
int array[n] = {42, 34, 12, -5, 19};
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += array[i];
printf("sum = %d; average = %f\n", sum, (float) sum / n);
What if you have a mixture of operators, with precedence?
Consider the following arithmetic expression:
sum = a + b * c + d
Both addition and multiplication are left-associative operators, but multiplication has precedence over addition. Thus, we implicitly rewrite the above expression as follows:
sum = ((a + (b * c)) + d)
or, in sequence,
sum = 0
sum = sum + a
prod = 1
prod = prod * b
prod = prod * c
sum = sum + prod
sum = sum + d
Notice how we ‘step aside’ from the sum for a moment while we compute the product b * c
… using an exactly analogous process. prod
is an accumulator for the product; it is initialized to the multiplicative identity (1) instead of the additive identity (0), for reasons I hope are obvious.
But then we just multiply in each of the successive items, one at a time.
This generalizes to longer expressions like
sum = a * b + c * d * e + f + g * h * i
sum = 0
prod = 1
prod = prod * a
prod = prod * b
sum = sum + prod
prod = 1
prod = prod * c
prod = prod * d
prod = prod * e
sum = sum + prod
prod = 1
prod = prod * f
sum = sum + prod
prod = 1
prod = prod * g
prod = prod * h
prod = prod * i
sum = sum + prod
Let’s add some indentation to make this a little easier to read:
sum = 0
prod = 1
prod = prod * a
prod = prod * b
sum = sum + prod
prod = 1
prod = prod * c
prod = prod * d
prod = prod * e
sum = sum + prod
prod = 1
prod = prod * f
sum = sum + prod
prod = 1
prod = prod * g
prod = prod * h
prod = prod * i
sum = sum + prod
Notice what I did with f
, and that I never add anything to sum
other than prod
This structure should give you a hint about how you might write code to evaluate such expressions…
if you have a product
function to scan the expression left to right from a given starting point, accumulating a product of individual items until it sees a +
or the end of the expression, you can then write a function sum
that scans the expression left to right from the start, accumulating a sum of products by calling product
at the start and after each +
In today’s activity your group will discuss how the above ideas relate to and
an or
operators in a query expression.